“The prerequisite is to choose to be healthy in the light of self-respect. Science that offers health first purifies and heals its student. Light does not radiate from the unhealed soul; as well as the lamp whose glass has not been wiped.”

Please call to make an appointment
+90 543 627 16 68
About me
I was born in 1980 in Gümüşhane. I graduated from Erzurum Science High School in 1998 and from Ankara University Faculty of Medicine in 2004. Between 2005 and 2010, I received specialization training at the Biochemistry Clinic of Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital. In 2010-2012, I completed my obligatory service as a Biochemistry specialist at Diyarbakır Gynecology and Pediatrics Hospital. Between 2012 and 2015, I worked as a lecturer at Bezmialem Vakıf University, Department of Biochemistry.
Academic Studies
International article / book / number of book chapters
National article / book / number of book chapters
Institutions I have worked for
2012 – 2015 Bezmialem Vakif University, Department of Biochemistry (Lecturer)
2010 – 2012 Diyarbakir Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital (Biochemistry specialist)
2005 – 2010 Şişli Etfal Training and Research Hospital Biochemistry Clinic (Biochemistry specialist)
When I healed of my allergic complaints, which I had been suffering from for many years and could not find a solution to, with the bioresonance method, I started to receive training on the holistic medicine approach.
2015 Applied Clinical kinesiology technique in Vibration Medicine
2015 Tensor test technique in Vibration Medicine
2016 Oncological support therapy systematics
2016 Electro acupuncture test technique
2017 Pain therapies with vibration medicine techniques
2017 Allergy therapies with vibration medicine techniques
2017 Psycho-Kinesiology 1-2-3
in the fields of Dr. I received training at the Bioresonance Education and Research Services institution, which was founded and directed by Zeynep Karacabey in Kuşadası.
April 2018 Female Hormones and Metabolism
October 2019 HPA Stress Axis- Thyroid- Male Hormones
December 2019 Metabolic and Mitochondrial systems
February 2020 Intestines and Digestive System
I completed my Dark Field Microscopy training given by MrSc.Dr. Jaroslava Samborac in 2016.
I completed my Matrix Inform practitioner and trainer certificate in the certification program organized by HEEDE Education Institute (Germany) and Adnan Menderes University.
Quantum physicist Dr. Global Scaling Seminars under Hartmut Müller III. I have completed the level training. I gained unique knowledge in the fields of time fractal, chronometer of events, living in harmony with fractal time and its application in therapies.
I completed my Biocybernetic Regulatory Therapies (BRT) training under the tutorship of unique human and holistic expert Hans Stormer.
BRT I (March 2017)-BRT 2 (October 2017)-BRT 3 (December 2017)- BRT 4 (March 2018)- April 2019- January 2020
Clinical Neural Therapy trainings 1.-2. and 3rd steps (2018-2019) – Neural Therapy Association / Ankara Functional Medicine Education.
Acupuncture education was certificated by Traditional and Complementary Medicine Education – Turkish Ministry of Health
Elif Kılıç, MD
Halaskargazi District Rumeli St. N0: 71 Floor: 7 Osmanbey – Şişli – İstanbul
T 0543 627 16 68 E bilgi@drelifkilic.com